Handbook for PhD Students
This PhD Handbook serves a dual purpose: it describes the research methodology of our group and gives general advice to students, and it sets out the standards and processes that all students in the group are expected to strive for.
Your PhD timeline
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Creating a timeline (Gantt chart) of your activities is a useful tool to keep track of your PhD work. Examples of activities include:
- Coursework (state course acronyms)
- Teaching (state course acronyms)
- Research (this could be further broken down, e.g. reading, implementation, evaluation, etc)
- Paper writing for conference X
- Internship at company Y
- Interruption (state reason)
Keeping track of your activities helps you reflect on how you use your time, and whether you may want to adjust your work plans/habits to make more efficient use of your time. One software option is GanttProject, but many other apps exist. You can use the software to export an image that you can share with me and use in your annual PhD review meetings.